5x1: self-esteem, critical thinking, and brushing your teeth
Plus some reverb. Lots of reverb.
The point of life is farting around
Life's about the small things. Small, silly, delightful, everyday things.
Making peace with your inevitable death
Everyone dies. Meditating on impermanence is one way to make peace with that.
The 4 parts of clear thinking
Thinking clearly is difficult. But these four things help you get better at it.
How to keep going (when the world feels fucked)
Inner peace can help you find strength in hard times. Here's how you can build it over time.
Love and chunder: how to reframe bad times
Reframing bad times can help get you through them – even if those bad times are coming out of you.
Figuring out who you are using stuff won't work
Consumerism is fun, sure, but it won’t help you define yourself. (And your self isn’t even real.)
Changing your life takes more than just ideas
You're built by attention and action – not just what you tell yourself.
Find freedom in being disliked
If you try to keep everyone happy, you’ll chase what you think people want rather than what’s true.
Embrace how little you can do
The fact that you can’t do everything gives meaning to the things you choose to do.